Learning a new language can be pretty intimidating, especially in Germany. However, Duolingo makes learning the new language a breeze.
In this guide, we have shared some of the best unique words in Duolingo German that are a must-learn.
Duolingo presents its courses vibrantly and inclusively, the same can be said of German language courses.
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It has a friendly design and ease of understanding that has made Duolingo’s German course one of the best and on par with French and Spanish.
Expanding your vocabulary is important for expressing yourself accurately.
Incorporating these best unique words in Duolingo German into your vocabulary will help you navigate the new country with confidence.
Without any further ado, let’s get started:
Unique Words in Duolingo German List (2025)
Here is the list of unique words in Duolingo German that will help you communicate effectively and precisely on any topic.
Wanderlust has been read and heard by us often but not many know that its roots lie in Germany.
In simple terms, Wanderlust is a lust for wandering.
The word is from the German language where wander means “to roam,” and Lust means “pleasure or delight.”
The meaning of Wanderlust is quite similar to Fernweh, but a little different Fernweh describes the feeling when you want to be somewhere else.
It can refer to some distant places or cities that she wishes to visit but is unable to do so. Whereas Wanderlust is the desire to travel and see new places.
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Another unique word in Duolingo German is the Sehnsucht. It is a feeling of intense longing for something.
It is a known word for those who have studied or are studying literature.
They must have encountered this word often during their study of German Romanticism.
It means “to yearn for or to crave”. Sehnsucht is translated as longing or yearning in English, but it is a feeling of yearning for something uncertain.
The word in high German, means “affliction of the painful whim.”
Weltschmerz (Welt – world, Schmerz – pain) translates as world-weariness.
It is the feeling of deep dissatisfaction that realizes that the physical world cannot comfort the desires of the mind.
It is a feeling of intense loss attributed to the person.
A realization that the world cannot satisfy the yearnings of your mind and soul.
This is all about the feeling that you get when you walk about in the solitude of a forest on your own.
This feeling is similar to enjoying alone time peacefully, ideally surrounded by nature.
Waldeinsamkeit is a term that describes ascetic monasticism and the movement of German romance, which promoted the re-rapprochement of Man to Nature where you achieve some level of meditation and peace within.
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Solitude in English is about a person who is alone or isolated from others.
However, it is not so in German as the meaning changes when you replace ein (one) with zwei (two).
Robert Musil, in the novel “The Confusions of Young Törless”, when talking about life in a couple says “being in two is no more than doubled solitude”.
Even spending time with our loved ones, isolated from the world, means living in solitude, however, the two elements of Zweisamkeit don’t complain, because they feel perfectly complete.
Not only does this word sound nice, but it expresses a feeling of closeness between two (zwei) people.
This is another expressive word that is aptly described by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. He says waiting for pleasure is itself a pleasure.
It is like the enjoyment of a dream and the expectation of a pleasant experience.
Vorfreude is like indulging in our expectation of a pleasant experience.
It means the reason to celebrate or party.
However, Feierabend doesn’t refer to any party but indicates that moment of the day when we are unwinding after a long day at work.
For example, it is Friday afternoon, and you’ve done all your work and are heading home.
The moment you reach home there is a feeling of grabbing some juice putting your legs up and watching your favorite show or movie.
It is like your time when you can do things at your own pace. Feierabend is the moment that is dedicated to unwinding and not work-related.
The best description of this word is ‘slap face’ the moment when you feel like slapping a person who has been going on and on about a senseless topic, or a co-worker who eats your lunch.
It can also be an annoying friend who uses awful words for fun.
However, use this word carefully among friends and those whom you have just met.
Use it only with your close friends who will not get mad.
What Is Duolingo?
Duolingo is a language-learning app that provides an extensive selection of languages to learn.
From German, Spanish, French Irish, Navajo and more.
Is Duolingo Effective For Learning German?
Expanding your German vocabulary is important for expressing yourself.
Using these expressive and unique German words in your vocabulary will help you navigate the new country with confidence.
Can You Become Fluent in German From Duolingo?
No, the answer is NO but you will be able to talk to local people or order your food after completing your German course on Duolingo.