Are you traveling to Japan for higher studies or work? If yes then learning some common Japanese day-to-day words are important as they will help you in your daily life there.
In this post, we have shared some common Japanese nouns to facilitate easy communication with locals.
Learning Japanese is fun and engaging and Japanese nouns are the best form to learn for everyday usages, like asking for the restroom, ordering at a restaurant and more.
Also Read > Japanese Swear Words
Japanese nouns are never accompanied by an article as in English so there is no “a” and “the.”
There is no rule indicating, whether a noun is singular or plural in Japanese.
In this post, we have shared some of the basic Japanese nouns that will be a big help in your daily life.
Best Japanese Common Nouns (2025)
Japanese Noun | English Nouns |
家族 (kazoku) | Family |
男 (otoko) | Aman |
女 (onna) | Woman |
名前 (namae) | Name |
お母さん(o-kā-san) | Mother |
お父さん(o-tō-san) | Father |
夫(otto) | Husband |
妻(tsuma) | Wife |
息子(musuko) | Son |
娘(musume) | Daughter |
家 (ie) | House |
アパート (apaato) | Apartment |
台所(daidokoro) | Kitchen |
浴室(yokushitsu) | Bathroom |
お手洗い(otearai) | Toilet |
部屋 (heya) | Room |
鍵 (kagi) | Key |
ベッド(beddo) | Bed |
ソファー (sofaa) | Sofa |
テレビ(terebi) | Television |
コンピューター(konpyuutaa) | Computer |
テーブル(teeburu) | Table |
椅子(isu) | Chair |
友達 (tomodachi) | Friend |
人 (hito) | A Person |
笑顔 (egao) | Smile |
学校 (gakkou) | School |
学生 (gakusei) | Student |
先生 (sensei) | Teacher |
会社 (kaisha) | Company |
社員 (shain) | An Employee |
旅行 (ryokou) | Travel |
駅 (eki) | Station |
空港 (kuukou) | Airport |
地下鉄 (chikatetsu) | Subway |
道路 (douro) | Road |
バス停(basu tei) | Bus Stop |
駅(eki) | Train Station |
薬局 (yakkyoku) | Drugstore |
コンビニ(konbini) | Convenient Store |
店 (mise) | Shop |
スーパー (suupaa) | Supermarket |
レストラン (resutoran) | Restaurant |
鶏肉 (tori niku) | Chicken |
魚(sakana) | A Fish |
料理 (ryouri) | Food |
車 (kuruma) | Car |
電車 (densha) | Train |
自転車 (jitensha) | Bicycle |
飛行機 (hikouki) | Aeroplane |
動物 (doubutsu) | Animal |
犬 (inu) | Dog |
猫 (neko) | Cat |
鳥 (tori) | Bird |
本 (hon) | Book |
新聞 (shinbun) | Newspapar |
雑誌 (zasshi) | Magazine |
手紙 (tegami) | A Letter |
映画 (eiga) | Movie |
テレビ (terebi) | TV |
ラジオ (rajio) | Radio |
音楽 (ongaku) | Music |
食べ物 (tabemono) | Food |
食事 (shokuji) | A Meal |
朝ごはん (asagohan) | Breakfast |
昼ごはん (hirugohan) | Lunch |
夕ごはん (yuugohan) | Dinner |
飲み物 (nomimono) | Drink |
お茶 (ocha) | Tea |
コーヒー (koohii) | Coffee |
水 (mizu) | Water |
ビール (biiru) | Beer |
ワイン (wain) | Wine |
空 (sora) | Sky |
風 (kaze) | Wind |
雨 (ame) | Rain |
雪 (yuki) | Snow |
夏 (natsu) | Summer |
冬 (fuyu) | The Winter |
春 (haru) | The Spring |
秋 (aki) | Autumn |
日 (hi) | Day |
夜 (yoru) | Night |
月 (tsuki) | The Moon |
時間 (jikan) | Time |
星 (hoshi) | The Star |
朝 (asa) | Morning |
昼 (hiru) | Aftermoon |
夕方 (yuugata) | Evening |
病院 (byouin) | Hospital |
医者 (isha) | Doctor |
薬 (kusuri) | Medicine |
服 (fuku) | Clothes |
靴 (kutsu) | Shoes |
帽子 (boushi) | Hat |
シャツ(shatsu) | Shirt |
靴下(kutsushita) | Sock |
ズボン(zubon) | Pants |
スカート(sukaato) | Skirt |
年 (toshi) | Year |
水 (mizu) | Water |
コーヒー( kōhī) | Coffee |
ビール(bīru) | Beer |
茶( cha) | Tea |
These common Japanese nouns will be a big help in your travel to the Land of the Rising Sun.