Japan is also known as the Land Of The Rising Sun and the Japanese are one of the most polite citizens.
It is quite rare for a Japanese to use a cuss word. In this guide, we will be sharing some Japanese swear words that need to be avoided at any cost if you are visiting any Japanese city.
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It is no secret that every language has swear words that you should avoid mostly. Japanese too is no different.
If you are learning Japanese on Duolingo or other language-learning apps, some words should be used with caution.
Learn to avoid them in your conversation as it is considered rude and unforgivable by the locals.
Why Should You Learn Japanese Curse Words?
There are many Japanese curse words but you will rarely encounter them in regular Japanese life.
However, these words are often heard in anime!
Avoid using these swear words in Japan or among your Japanese friends.
There are many honorific terms in Japanese that you need to follow while communicating with others.
Now, you may wonder why you should learn cuss words in Japanese if you will not be using them.
Well, they do come up in various social environments, as well as in anime, Japanese TV shows, movies, and more.
The understanding of these words will help you hold your own in every situation.
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List of Japanese Swear Words To Be Avoided:
ばか (Baka) – Stupid
Baka (stupid) is an offensive word commonly used in English, however, some may consider otherwise.
Since every culture is different, be careful and avoid using it in Japan.
わるがき (warugaki) – Brat
Warugaki or Brat is used to address someone younger than you and is generally troubling you in English.
This word comes in handy when a kid is bothering you endlessly.
ぶす (busu) – Ugly Woman
ブ男(Buotoko ) – Extremely ugly man. This is the male version of the same insult.
Calling someone Busu or ugly woman or Buotoko ugly man is a very demeaning term that should not be used lightly as it will reflect badly on your image so avoid using it.
However, it is good to know this in case someone decides to call you or your friend busu.
ちくしょう (chikushō) – Oh Shit!
This word is usually not directed at anyone it is just a phrase used like when you forget your car key, or miss the bus.
It is also used when your favorite team loses the game.
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The word shinee is used in anime, however, do not tell a local to die as it is considered offensive and will ruffle some feathers!
ちくしょう (Chikushou) – SOB
This cuss word is used for a despicable person. It is also used in context as it can also mean ‘damn’ or ‘crap’ if used after a shocking event.
やりまん (yariman) – Slut
One of the highly offensive words towards women. It’s no different in Japan, avoid using it in any circumstances or be prepared for some aggressive reactions.
Here are some more offensive words in Japanese:
しんじまえ (shinjimae) – Drop dead/Go to hell
くたばれ (Kutabare) – F*ck you
だまれこのやろう (damare konoyarou) – shut up you bastard!
ふざけるな (fuzakeru na) – F*** Off
どけ! (doke!) – Get out of my way! and more.
ばか や ろう(Bakayarou) – Stupid bastard
Now that you know some of the Japanese curses, you might use this language among friends but do try to avoid using them in Japan as much as possible.